Angle grinder TE 24-230 MVT CED, Metabo
Angle grinder TE 24-230 MVT CED, Metabo
Angle grinder TE 24-230 MVT CED, Metabo
Angle grinder TE 24-230 MVT CED, Metabo
Angle grinder TE 24-230 MVT CED, Metabo
Gamyklinis užsakymas. Teirautis pristatymo laiko
Cutting disc Ų: 230 mm
Max. cutting depth: 60 mm
Rated input power: 2400 W
Output power: 1600 W
No-load speed: 6600 rpm
Spindle thread: M 14
Weight (without power cable): 8.1 kg
Cable length: 4 m
Sound pressure level: 99 dB(A)
Sound power level (LwA): 110 dB(A)
Uncertainty of measurement K: 3 dB(A)
Vibration: 4.1 m/s²
Uncertainty of measurement K: 1.5 m/s²

Powerful diamond cutter for low-dust dry cuts up to 60 mm in mineral materials
Best view on the cutting line thanks to the open design of the dust extraction shroud
Efficient dust extraction for health protection and clean construction sites
Fast work progress and long service life thanks to powerful Metabo Marathon-motor
Ideal for precise, horizontal cutting thanks to pushing cut; conversion to pulling cut possible
Precise cuts on even surfaces thanks to metal base plate with rollers
Safety and control in any situation: Soft start, Metabo VibraTech (MVT) vibration damping, electronic safety shutdown and restart protection
Robust die-cast aluminium dust extraction shroud with tool-free setting of the cutting depth
Auto-stop carbon brushes to protect the motor
Connection for dust extraction Ų 35/41 mm

Scope of delivery
Extraction hood CED 230, Diamond cutting disc UP, Flat-pin spanners, Inner support flange, Spacer Rings, Nut with two holes, Side handle, Plastic carry case
Made in Germany

Made in Germany

#MadeByMetabo #MadeWithPassion

Mūsų klientai mumis pasitiki. Jiems reikia partnerio, kuriuo galėtų visada pasikliauti. Atidžiai jų klausomės, nes norime žinoti ir suprasti, ko jiems reikia kasdieniame darbe. Nes nuosekliai siekiame vieno tikslo: norime kuo labiau palengvinti profesionalių naudotojų darbą. Ir tai, ko imamės, darome su visišku įsitikinimu ir aistra. Taigi, kiekviename įrenginyje glūdi tikra varomoji jėga.

Ir tai yra priežastis, kodėl mes vis dar gaminame daugelį įrankių Vokietijoje – „Made in Germany“!
